🎉 Sold and Closed! 🏡
Congratulations to our sellers for selling and closing their home at 3801 Waldenbrook Road, Greensboro, NC!
A huge congratulations to our clients on this exciting milestone—it was an honor to guide you through this journey! Although we had a number of road blocks and stepping stones, together we navigated the bumps and made it to closing🌟
If you’re ready to buy or sell your home, our team is here to deliver results. Let’s make your real estate goals a reality!
📞 Dede Cunningham: 336-509-1923
📧 [email protected]
📞 Lauren McNeill: 336-963-5115
📧 [email protected]
💼 DeDe’s Real Estate Group – Experience you can trust, results you’ll love!
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